• ISSN: 2010-023X (Print)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Trade, Economics and Financ.
    • Frequency: Quaterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJTEF
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IJTEF 2011 Vol.2(5): 430-436 ISSN: 2010-023X
DOI: 10.7763/IJTEF.2011.V2.144

Evaluating The Internal Efficiency of General and Special Short Term Training Centers of Universities

Z. Rashidi and K. Danesh Fard

Abstract—this study aims to investigate the assessment of internal efficiency of general and special short term training centers of universities by ranking the stages of in-service education (needs assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation) in the universities and raking the universities based on the adequacy of in-service education centers. The methodology of this study is of descriptive type and its objective is of applied type with methodology of surveying descriptive. Population includes all employees, members of faculty and administrative related to Islamic Azad University comprising 2600 people. To sample, there was used cluster sampling. The size of sample calculated about 324 people. In order for collecting the data, there was used author-made questionnaire. Collected data analyzed using T Test and One- Way variance analysis and after L.S.D test by SPSS and Excel. Results indicated that there is significant difference between mean points of adequacy for observing the validation principles in different universities and implementation stage has most rate of adequacy. In this article has been presented the model for evaluation of internal sufficiency of in-service education centers of universities that it has attended to 5 basic factors that those are processes, participants, customers, plans and strategy and performance.

Index Terms—Service Education, Needs Assessment, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation.

Zolfaghar Rashidi is faculty member & of Islamic Azad University, Zarandiye Branch, Tehran-Iran .(e-mail: hr_hrashidi@yahoo.com) (Tel.: +98 21 22542664-22640442, Fax: +98 21 22640427-22558700).
Karamollah Danesh Fard is Assistance Professor & of Islamic Azad, University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran-Iran. (e-mail: cdaneshfard@yahoo.com). (Tel.: +98 21 22543733, Fax: +98 21 22558700- 22614613).


Cite:Z. Rashidi and K. Danesh Fard, "Evaluating The Internal Efficiency of General and Special Short Term Training Centers of Universities," International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance vol.2, no.5, pp. 430-436, 2011.

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