Abstract—Various insurance models for assessment of
the possible possible financial losses for a municipality due
to natural disasters. Risk situations which describe the
possible financial losses of the monitored objects, are
considered. The main components of the insurance models are
discussed. The loss assessment results can support the
municipal government to take more informed decisions
for effective use of limited financial resources to activities
in emergency situations. A concept for implementing the
insurance models as a part of a Web integrated information
system for risk management of natural disasters are outlined.
Index Terms—Insurance models, risk situation, loss
assessment, municipal losses, natural disasters.
D. Velev is with the University of National and World Economy, Sofia
1700, Bulgaria (e-mail:dvelev@unwe.acad.bg).
P. Zlateva is with the ISER, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 1113,
Bl. 2, Bulgaria (e-mail:plamzlateva@abv.bg).
Cite:Plamena Zlateva and Dimiter Velev, "Insurance Models for Assessment of the Municipal Losses Due to Natural Disasters," International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance vol.3, no.4, pp. 251-256, 2012.