Abstract—Although gaming tourism has been playing an
important role in Macau’s economy since the 19th century, 2002
change in local gaming legislation (i.e., gaming liberalization)
led Macau to a new gaming tourism era and also to the
suspicion of Dutch Disease effects. Therefore, under a
framework where 2002 gaming liberalization is regarded as the
trigger for the gaming tourism boom in Macau, we
econometrically tested the impact of selected GT indicators on
the domestic exports of goods and assessed the presence of the
Dutch Disease phenomenon in Macau, effectively linking this
concept with the territory’s economic reality.
Index Terms—Dutch disease, foreign currency inflows,
gaming tourism, Macau.
Susana Mieiro is with the University of Saint Joseph, Macau S.A.R.,
People’s Republic of China (e-mail: susana.mieiro@usj.edu.mo).
Pedro Nogueira Ramos is with the Group for Monetary and Financial
Studies (GEMF), Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, Portugal
(e-mail: pnramos@fe.uc.pt).
José Alves is with the University of Saint Joseph, Macau S.A.R., People’s
Republic of China (e-mail: jose.alves@usj.edu.mo).
Cite:Susana Mieiro, Peadro Nogueira Ramos, and José Alves, "Gaming Tourism Boom, Foreign Currency Inflows, and Dutch Disease Effects: an Empirical Model for Macau," International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance vol.3, no.6, pp. 421-427, 2012.