Abstract—Nowadays the business world is changing at a
faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization,
highs information technology (IT) investments and the rapid
pace of technological change. Organizations are responding in
different ways and at different rates to the wide range of IT
based opportunities and pressures. The purpose of this paper is
to focus on the effects of IT related organizational changes on
the management accounting function and to contribute to the
body of knowledge about to what extent IT affects the ability to
solve accounting tasks. The relationship between IT and
accounting practices was investigated qualitatively using six
case studies and we will measure the impact of IT on
accountants’ tasks. The findings suggest a tendency for change
and the decentralization of accounting tasks.
Index Terms—Accounting, Accounting Information Systems,
Financial Documents, Information Technology, Management
Information System.
Cite:Maria do Céu Gaspar Alves, "Information Technology roles in Accounting Tasks – A Multiple-case Study," International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance vol.1, no.1, pp. 103-107, 2010.